Dear Readers,
We’re excited to announce that our new website is live; both mobile and desktop versions! We all met on The Problematic of the UnProblematic (PotUP) due to our love for the drama series Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms (3310, Three Lives Three Worlds aka Eternal Love). Two of us were fortunate enough to be recruited by Kakashi Sensei and DramaPanda to participate in their Mo Yuan and Shao Wan fic (Volume 1), while Lalaloop started a Mo Yuan and Bai Qian fic on the same site.
With their support, not only did we experience writing fan fiction for the first time, but were also able to develop new characters and story lines of our own. This site will host the spinoffs of the Kunlun Disciples and their partners, one shots, and future fics.
We’ll try to improve the structure of our content so that you get more from a quick read. There will be a whole host of small but impactful changes in the future, all to make your experience on The Wolves of Mistwood better. In the meantime, please feel free to visit the About section and check out each member’s page.
Thank you for visiting our site, please subscribe for updates and future posts!
-- The Wolves of Mistwood