Day 6: It's not just the destination... but the journey itself.

Heading out for another road trip!

We can't get enough of the landscape.
So scenic and beautiful it's like an addiction
Glaumbaer Museum:

Beautiful sky...so rare but lovely...

Reminds me of chia pets except it's on houses...

Back in the day they lived in tiny little houses, I wonder how did the people fit through the door since they are so tall.

No wood? No biggie. Cut a block section of grass, roots, and dirt - pile them up like an igloo, and you got yourself a well dry insulated home! 😊

Too cold? Have a fireplace inside.

Tea Time: Yellow Tea House

Old Icelandic Style Tea room

This was amazing!! Everything was locally made from the locally smoked lamb on buttered homemade rye bread and skyr cake (yogurt cake)

The smoked lamb was smoked by burning old dirt while hanging the meat. It produce a distinctly unique smoke flavor that's out of this world!!😋
Also their rye bread was much tastier than other places.

These mismatched china sets are so cute!😍

The Valley of the Horses...
The horses also scratched each other's back and lay down to sunbathe. We even saw a dog herding a large group. Butterscotch better step up his herding game. 😉

We made it! After driving through miles of gravel roads to get here!

I had to climb down a cliff to get there, it was fun and amazing sight to see 😆
If you're not wearing the right kind of shoes, or a good climber, please don't take the risk.😅 No instagram picture is more important than your life.
Yea that cliff was no joke...one misstep and....💩😵😱😇👻
Snaefellsjoekull National Park : Trekking through the lava land, and finding the hidden gem of Peninsula.

We conquered the lava lands!!!

Butterscotch enjoyed his photoshoot this time around. 😆

Those tiny white specks are seagulls!

We conquered the Elve's castle of the West!

Hidden flora
Campsite: Ólafsvik
1500 ISK per person, free shower with two toilets per gender. Small kitchen, but serviceable, with pots and pans in place. Guards arrive at 8:30 and and 20:30 each day to collect fee.
Guards also provide complementary wake up call at 8:30am...such great service!!

Westcoast Midnight Sun!
Fun Fact: Since 1950, 1 million seedlings were planted per year, and the number have increased to 2.5 million per year. Only 0.5% of Iceland is covered with trees. The initiative was to bring back the lush forest before human settlers arrived on the virgin land. The forest was cleared for sheep and cattles, thus causing erosion and habitat lost for native plants and animals.

During our Ring Road expedition, we saw evidence of the efforts from the many patches of seedlings clusters throughout the land. Although they're still young... these trees remind us that if there is a will there is a way.
Coming from the land of evergreen forests of various kind...we feel even more fortunate after coming here.
Author's Note: Iceland's weather reminded us so much of home. One minute we'll be enjoying the sunshine, the next moment, we're speeding back to our campsite in a thunderstorm. 🤣😂😆
*Italics: Atsugari