Li Hua - High Goddess of Ghost Realm
Animal: Spider
Age: 379,000
Personality Type: THE LOGICIAN “Architect”, INTP
Martial Weapon: Thousand Silk Threads
Strengths: Qimen Dunjia (metaphysical art)
Weakness: Alcohol
Attraction: Fashion
Background: Mysterious, yet dangerously alluring! She is a Sorceress who spent her day nurturing her brew of giant white moths that only exists within the realm of Ghost/Ghoul. As the longest living Elder who resided in Ghost Realm for millennia, Li Hua was no stranger to the infighting among her people. The land had always been battered by endless wars, covered with the blood of friend or foe alike. Their beautiful landscape flourished with floras of all kinds, nourished by the spilled scarlet rivers that replenished the soil over thousands of Celestial years. As a watcher, an observer, she remained indifferent to the civil unrest of her nation, as some have believed. The cycle would always continue, Li Hua had reasoned, which made it more intriguing as to why the High Goddess meddled when the Civil War broke out over 30,000 years ago. It was no wonder that Li Hua, courted by two High Gods who had settled within her realm, which was not their own. Speaks more to the powers of the Goddess’ magnetism.

Guo Zhu - High God of Demon Realm Animal: Snake
Age: 345,000
Personality Type: THE CAMPAIGNER “Champion”, ENFP
Martial Weapon: Various Musical Weapons
Strengths: Weapon Making
Weakness: Sulphur Flower
Attraction: Silk Dance
Background: Before the First Demon War, the clan of the High God Guo Zhu specialized in musical weapons, but due to the passage of time, and the lack of skills passed down to the new generations, the knowledge was lost, with only a few remnants that still lingered. The High God was one of the few who still retained the much sought after skill. Although he was still a warrior through and through, but most importantly, the original father of magical weapons, the blood lust was still there. In order to appease his hunger for battle and to test his creations, he often visited the mortal realms to join the armies of many Kings and Queens, even Warlords and Pirates. With his powers sealed, in order not to disrupt the balance of the universe, Guo Zhu would spend years in the mortal realms. In countless battles, he made friends and he made enemies, but the High God never stayed long enough to watch all of them reach their own demise, short-lived as they were. Due to his hobby, once in a red moon, a mortal will come in possession of a magical weapon or artifact, which will change their destinies, for better or worse, depending on their karma.

Rou Tzu - High God of Celestial Realm Animal: TBA
Age: 366,000
Personality Type: THE LOGISTICIAN “Inspector”, ISTJ
Martial Weapon: Smoking Pipe
Strengths: Apothecary and Poison
Weakness: Dry Weather
Attraction: Floras
Background: The High God Rou Tzu was born from a Clan that went extinct after the First War. His people scattered; his family was lost. He had no wish to join the former tribe that his clan had paid feity to; thus he resided within the Moth Valley with his first and only love, including his rival, Guo Zhu. Unknown to others, the High God was an expert not only in medicinal skills, but his true powers lay in the knowledge of poisons, which he often used to treat hard to cure ailments. Before his retirement within the Western Valley of the Moths, there was nothing more fascinating to Ruo Tzu than creating a new concoction of biological weapons, powerful enough to render an entire army on its knees. With patience, the result is most rewarding, he often said. When the mood struck, the High God would visit the mortal realms. Just like his rival, but unlike his counterpart who sought battle due to his blood lust, Rou Tzu saw the countless parallel mortal realms as his gardens. By gathering and planting the seeds of his precious herbs in various environments, Rou Tzu produced some of the most hard to find ingredients, unknown to other realms.