Background: This scene took place after they left the time-space. Two days had passed according to Da Qing, who waited for their return. After Da Qing went to gather intel for the night. Zhao and Shen stayed behind at SID.
“The first time I saw you was at the university, but the first time you saw me, was 10,000 years ago. Didn’t expect that the same story will continue after 10,000 years.”
There were times, Shen Wei had his doubt. But with each wavered thoughts, Zhao Yunlan had proven again and again. He was Kunlun. His Kunlun. Despite the impossibility, the Universe was an endless possibility. His Savior had said they would meet again. The person who had stolen his soul, his heart, his very existence - had returned as promised.
Shen Wei had thought once that time arrived, he should feel delighted. After all, the Black Cloak Envoy had waited for ten millennia for such a reunion. With no more secrets, his lies could finally stopped. Yet, his heart was still torn; his assurance broke. The joyful bliss soon diminished when he realized their precarious fate. The destiny that could never be, but surely the universe must have mercy for a sinful person such as he.
Time...infinite, but fleeting. A luxury no mortal could spare.
How long do they have? How much do they have to lose? He was not as powerful as he used to be. How could he protect Kunlun when he had become vulnerable?
Harrowed thoughts flow...spilled, flooded. Drowned within these wayward emotions, Shen Wei barely registered when Yunlan had pulled him into his dark office. With his body pressed against the glass door, the Chief gripped on his shoulders were painfully tight. Almost possessed, Zhao’s wrenching eyes pierced through his being. Unfamiliar with the overcast look of the Chief before him. Shen Wei began to tremble from the intensity of the man who always shielded his feelings. But that’s the thing about those who continuously reined in their emotions. Once unleashed, the overwhelming unchecked passion would not be thwart.
His name scarcely escaped Shen's lips, when his mouth was savagely seized. Gone was the softness, the tenderness. Zhao's kiss was surprisingly brutal, unlike his former gentle caressed. This unreserved hardened man was determined to steal every last breath. With a ferocity of a drowning man, the Chief continues to fed on Shen's grasped and cries like it was his last. Zhao took and took; Shen’s air stolen. Fearing he would faint from the lack of oxygen, Shen Wei tore his mouth away.
"Wait!" the Professor cried, as his mind grappled to contain his sanity. But breaking free was not an easy task from unrelenting Guardian. The Wolf was determined to have him by all means. Undeterred by Shen’s resistance, the Guardian snatched and slammed Shen's wrists above his head. Hot burning breath against his lips, Zhao’s eyes shimmered. The depth glittered, spiraling like a marbled universe. The hungry Wolf growled.
“Yunlan, wait…!” Shen Wei pleaded, but the Chief quickly smothered his protests with another hot searing kiss. With Zhao's body pressed against his, the weak-willed Professor couldn't suppress the urge to mold their shuddering bodies. The warmth he craved, the possessiveness he could never denied. The embrace was so urgently powerful, Shen’s knees began to buckle, weakened from the intensity of the passionate man.
The Professor scarcely registered when he felt the floor beneath him. Like the Predator of the Night, the Wolf loomed over. Shielding the moonlights from his sight. Barely breaking the kiss, the Chief began to remove their coats, their clothes aggressively. Finally, it took the sound of the tearing fabric to woke his senses. A sudden panic rose, Shen stiffened, then struggled against impatient roaming hands that tried to tore his garments.
“Stop!” Shen grabbed Zhao’s hands in a deadly gripped. The Chief froze, nearly ghost-like, his face had turned white as sheet. His eyes lost. As if the passage of time, had stolen more than one could bear. “Yunlan?” Shen broken plea called out to the bewitchment, that was cast. "What's wrong, Xiao Lan?"
Although the Chief was released from the spell-bound of the past, his haunted shadows remained. “Why did you run?” he asked hoarsely, with eyes bore the scars of a man who had seen more than his mortal soul could handle.
“I’m no-not running. I'm not. I don't understand what you mean,” Shen stammered, unsure of the suffering he seems to have caused.
Zhao swallowed, his eyes tightened momentarily before his dark lashes lifted. “I saw those images…,” the husky voice spoke.
Shen went rigid at the words, which were barely a whispered. The air dwindled, as tension weighed heavily with each passing seconds. When they were still in the space-time, Zhao Yunlan had not said much. He was eerily quiet, detached. The man didn't touch or embraced him. He only asked to see more of the time which he had missed. Yunlan said he wanted to see Da Qing's life, but that statement no longer held true. He also saw the life of the Black Cloak Envoy. From the rise of Shen's alias to Professor Shen, and of Shen Wei of today.
Only now did Shen Wei realized he had seen everything.
"I saw you all that you’ve done, what you’ve done,” Zhao exclaimed, his shaking hands' cup Shen’s face. “I thought I told you not to run once you found me, didn’t I? Even knowing I might damage the future that may come. I still chose the act that could doom us all. Selfish that I was, because…,” Zhao’s words paused, his red eyes glistened with unshed tears, “--because I couldn’t imagine my world without you. I couldn’t. You promised, yet, you still...”
“I’m sorry…” Shen Wei whispered as his hands cover Zhao's. Squeeze ever so gently, the heart ached at the mere spoken caressed.
“If I didn’t tell you my name that night,” Zhao asked, his brows furrowed at the knowledge. “If I hadn’t…," the question paused. His restraint began to diminish with each passing seconds. “What if we have never met?"
“I-I didn’t know it was possible. I didn’t know...”
“Now I thought about it. I never gave you my family name. The first day of which we met, you were only positive it was me when you read my card. Still…," Zhao chuckled bitterly at the memory, "You ignored me. You kept your distance. You even pushed me away, when you knew how I felt. How could you?” the Chief stared down accusingly.
“I..I’m sorry...I...”
“If the universe didn’t pull as back together. If, I didn’t come after you. Would you have returned to me? Was our past meant nothing to you? Did you planned to abandon me since the beginning?”
“No!” the Professor shook in denial, “I needed times to gather the missing Hollows. Once I know the world would be at peace," Shen tried desperately to explain, "Until that happens. I-I just wanted was to keep you safe."
“I told you, I don’t need you to keep me safe!" the Chief roared, his patience snapped. Both fists grabbed onto the front of Shen's shirt. Trembling from the sheer rage of betrayal, Zhao gave him an angry shake. "I don’t need your protection, nor do I need your powers!"
With a look of a defeated man, his eyes begged, pleaded for one beneath him to understand. His heart-wrenching words began to spill with each syllable, carved so deeply, the words bled. “Xiao Wei, don’t you understand? What I need...what I need...," he paused, jawed clenched. Eyes widened with determination. "--was you. I won't let you off today, nor any day. Don’t run anymore. Xiao Wei....please be mine,” his raw voice rasped.
The Black Cloak Envoy had thought, it was eons ago he had fallen for Kunlun, but that belief no longer held true. No...Such strong emotions had to be nourished. Fed.
It was here and now. The present before the past.
Under the stars of the many millennia ago, Shen Wei, Black Cloak Envoy of the time, never knew he had waited for this moment. While Kunlun of the past also held back, so did Shen Wei of the present. Patience would have been an understatement for their self-control. There were many times he wanted to succumb to the inevitable. They desire each other, were they not? Why would there be a need to stop? Was the moth still afraid of the flame?
Finally, Shen Wei understood. They both held back by the glimmer of hope for their lies to ceased. More than being just physical craving, both yearned for other to know the truth. Their past and present.
That was why, as much as the Chief covet, he still hovered just above, neither took nor claimed. But the starving Wolf, who couldn’t suppress his desire, chose that exact moment to lick his lips. Biting unconsciously, his hunger was evident, within those vibrant, honest eyes. The restless, yet patient man waited, the Guardian who remained faithful to the core. The bright flame that could not be ignored; beckoned with each gesture, glances...and touch. Their silence exchanges spoke more than honeywords of innocence.
Though the moth knew it would burn, it could never resist. Hands clutched Zhao’s neck, pulling him down. Lips barely touched, "Yes..." was his answer.
Warning - NSFW
How many more? How much would he lose before he sanity broke? Time and infinite dimension could never halt. Not for mere mortals when the universe continues to move along its passage, even with no destination in sight. But if the Chief could make time stop, would it be possible to forget? Would it be possible to live in peace?
Wang Zheng and Sang Zan, the love-birds who had trusted him, believed in him. Hundreds of years apart, with only fleeting moments of happiness. The love that could never be, but was. Zhao had sworn to protect them, but it was they who saved him.
Upon the setting sun of Dragon City; dawn would not be far from behind. Once day began to break, reality would overtake. Through the silence of the night, there was nothing other than the sound of labored breaths, their soft gasped and moaned resonated. Encompassing even the noise from the streets outside. Alone, completely, their heated embrace echoed. Layers after layers, the barriers were removed. Skin against skin, the difference was uncanny.
Smooth like petals, this beauty, his rose was cold to the touch. Delicate like porcelain, his skin light as the first silk of the warm summer's night. In contrast, the Chief’s rough edges rivaled only to his personality. But what he lacks, was made up from his burning desire. Figuratively and literally, his scorching body warmed the man who had none.
With each caress and taste, Zhao tried to memorize those curve and lines. Savored each moan like a melody to his ears. The Chief thought he should take it slow, but before he knew, the impatience Shen had grasped him, tightly. "Shen Wei..." Zhao breathed unsteadily. Fully aroused as he was his jaw clenched, his body went rigid. Zhao’s eyes closed at the pure sensation of being captured by his delicate hand.
Shen Wei stared at him with the same heated gaze, a mixture of innocence and seductive charms. The Chief wanted to stop his Professor, but now he could not say more to save his life. Nor did he moved. Hovered over Shen's body, with folded arms on each side of his head, Zhao breath continued to labor with each stroke. The clasped was gentle at first, but the trained eyes of the Professor knew the way to his partner’s breaking point. Since gentleness was never his way, Shen played him as he wanted. It didn't take long for Shen to bring him to full explosion. Nearly collapsing from the reckoning force, but the Chief held on out of sheer stubbornness!
Embarrassment could not even describe how he felt. The Wolf had yet started, but Prey has already taken the reins! What's more shocking! Shen Wei didn't seem to be affected at all. Even with a flushed body, his Professor still maintains that same calm composure that always made the Chief wanted ruffled. Initially, Zhao had tried to take it slow, but the honorable plan was shatter from the challenging glowed of amusement within Shen's deep dark eyes. The edge of his mouth pulled slightly, then came the satisfactory smile, subtle but real. An enticing lure begged to be taken. Devoured.
May it be pride, or may it be because he was the Guardian of the Haixing. His predatory instinct took over the exact moment when a wicked object caught his sight. A devilish smile spread ever so slowly, yet within seconds the Wolf grabbed his Professor’s wrists. Before his Prey could comprehend, the Chief had already wrapped them with his discarded shirt. She’s wrist was tied securely to the green firehouse pole above them. It took a few seconds before his Professor’s mind to registered, because no one would dare attack the Black Cloak Envoy in such a manner.
Once awareness flickered behind those startled eyes, the Chief pressed down on Shen’s arms, preventing him from yanking free. Given Black Cloak’s strengths, cotton was never a wise choice. So the Chief had to be ruthless, even if he had to be shameless. “Are you trying to rip my shirt? What am I going to wear tomorrow, if it’s torn?” Zhao asked accusingly, with an offended expression.
Unaccustomed to restraint of this form, Shen Wei widened doe-eyes froze. He tripled blink at the illogical, yet logical questions. “Yunlan, le-let me go…,” Shen Wei begged, leaving no trace of his ironclad composed Professor as he once was.
How adorable...His Prey finally began to quiver at the vulnerable unfamiliarity. Not surprising, from the intensively of the unyielding man above him. But the relentless Chief couldn’t comply. How long had he waited, prayed for this moment? How could any man? His Prey was finally ensnared. His for the taking, to feast.
No man could. Not even Zhao Yunlan.
“As I recalled, you owe me,” the Chief reminded his Professor of the disciplinary action, not too far long ago, when his Dark Knight unleashed his fury.
Shen could barely utter a response when those images of the summer night’s storm emerged. Tactically savage with his methods, Zhao continued his brazen attacks. “The Black Cloak Envoy was known to follow the strict code of laws and ethics. No crime shall go unpunished, you have often said. Without order, Society would succumb to lawlessness.”
With the same expression as a deer caught in the headlight, his Professor was unable to counter the irrefutable statement; but as a warrior, his survival instinct kicked in. Shen Wei began to pull at the binding reflexively, but a hand swiftly grasped the bound. Zhao then lifted Shen’s chin, with narrowed authoritative eyes, his mocking words fired, “If you break free, how would you be able to uphold your ideology?”
Besieged by the man with no mercy, Shen’s bottom lips trembled. At that moment, Black Cloak Envoy could only do the one thing he could. His Professor’s eyes closed tightly, in uttered defeat.
Zhao nearly broke with laughter at the sight of Shen’s beet-red face, but he didn’t want to break the tone he had set. Moonlight gilded the supple, muscular lines of the Professor’s body, his chest taunt and glowed. Hands smoothed over Shen’s hair, Zhao began whispered endearing words he had long to tell. The tension began to eased with each spilled confessions from his heart.
Although, the Chief was set out to ‘punish,’ but his actions spoke otherwise. He kissed him like it was their first. He kissed him like it was their last. His tongue skimmed over the velvet lips, so soft, Zhao had to bite down to make sure they were his for the taking. Dragging his mouth over the fragile throat, his tongue traced the trembling porcelain skin, untouched by others. With that possessive thought, excitement flooded his aching body. When Zhao grasped the throbbing member in his hand, Shen’s eyes immediately shot opened. A moan escaped, but his eyes quickly closed, trembled from the mere squeezed from his capture. With a sacrificed who was more than willing, Zhao had no wish to prolong the inevitable.
Unable to hold back, Zhao decided to skip the appetizer altogether. Spitting generously on his hand, it was fortunate the Chief was already salivating from the sight beneath him. Between the parted mounds, pre-wet fingers began to probe and stretch. Shen was tight, too tight. Zhao wanted to curse himself for how utterly unprepared they were, but there was no turning back. While the Chief was wholly absorbed with preparing his Professor of what was to come, Shen habitual resistance emerged from the intrusive touch. His body went rigid and tightened from the unfamiliar invasion.
"Xiao Wei, don’t fight it, relax,” Zhao whispered gently against his Professor’s ear. Laying feathery kisses, to soothe his senses. “I don't want to hurt you.”
His beloved chose that exact moment to open his eyes. A dark, vulnerable gaze that could steal his very soul staring back at him. Decisively, Zhao knew what he had to do. Reaching above, he released the binding. Free from his bound, Shen Wei immediately pressed against the man who held him, yet there was no strength.
“Xiao Wei, don’t be afraid,” Zhao begged once more. ”Let me love you,” he pleaded with the same vulnerable eyes which Shen could never deny. A hair thread away from stopping. If Shen couldn’t, Zhao wouldn’t.
Yet, they both knew his resistance was fruitless. When it comes to Zhao, his Professor will walk through heaven and hell. With his body finally relaxed, Zhao was allowed to proceed. Working patiently, the Chief took his time with the feast beneath him. He relished every groan and shutters which he had caused until his hand withdrew.
Gently, he lifted Shen’s smooth thighs. Shen's eyes squeeze shut, as Zhao began to lean into him. With slow, measured control, Zhao took his time. Shaky hands began to wrapped around him, Shen held him tightly. The moment was utterly endearing that Zhao was taken off guard when Shen chomps down on his shoulder. Despite grunting from the pain, the Chief did not allow such trifled to deter him from his mission. He pushed further, steadily forward, the membrane stretched and gave way until he was finally inside. Zhao let out a satisfying gasped, as rippling sensation ran through their entire frame. As Shen groaned against his flesh, the skin broke. The pain allowed Zhao to steeled himself against his instinct. The Cheif froze, held himself in check.
Mere seconds felt like an eternity, as Zhao waited for Shen to adjust. Until Shen gave the slightest nod of approval, only then did Zhao dare to proceed. Despite his undeniable beauty, the Chief thank his lucky stars his Professor was no delicate flower. As they moved together there was heat; there was depth. The motion was unhindered, the strokes solidly smooth. The exquisite deep sensation was indescribably melting, and welcoming, as the voluntary rhythm began. Their embrace, seared, engraved. Lost, entirely in the blistering ecstasy of their making, the men were caught off guard when their moment of their climaxed was explosively quick.
Racked with sudden bliss, Zhao barely regained his senses when he found himself on his back, with Shen trembled body stretched above. His gaze flicked over the reserved man who lied on top. His Professor began to caressed and explored for the sensitive spots, to ignite the fire from the man who just laid claim to him. The Chief felt the urgency, the heat radiating from his body, but every movement was careful, lingering, not willing to go further. But the eyes are always the window to one’s soul. Honest, untainted, even when sinful thoughts held reins.
“Xiao Wei?” Zhao couldn’t help but smile teasingly against the nape of Shen’s neck. “Don't be shy. You can do whatever you want with me.”
"Yunlan...." Shen shook slightly at the suggestions. He pulled back. Fear in his eyes, yet the fiery depth was apparent. With the same vigor and potency of the summer’s night storm, but his Dark Knight wanted more, needed more. The overwhelming desire eclipsed even the self-restraint of Black Cloak.
Grasping his neck, Zhao pulled his face down. Face to face. The Chief encouraged, “You don't have to hold back. There is nothing to fear. I’ve always been yours.”
“Do-Don’t look,” his Professor mumbled.
"What?” the puzzled Chief asked.
"Don't look!" Shen repeated, his eyes averted as though his request was too shameful to utter.
The Chief watched intently as shades of rouge blossomed on his Professor’s cheeks. Understanding finally dawn, a roguish smile followed. “Aye aye, I won’t,” Zhao said affectionately, his eyes closed obediently. Too obediently. Because the Chief was still the Chief, a small slit appeared between his eyelids.
"You're still looking!" Shen accused angrily.
"I'm not--" Zhao denied with a chuckle, as the slit grew even wider.
The Chief realized too late he should not poke fun of the beast. The now furious and flustered Professor swiftly flipped him over on his stomach. With Black Cloak lying on top of him, Zhao was pressed down with his weights. Although Zhao was a man of his words, he started to regret the position he’s in, literally. Fuck!
Zhao tried to turn around, but his lips were instantly captured, devoured. The kiss of yearning continued, both demanding and giving as if he could never get enough. Heart race wildly, Zhao laid passive, allowing his Professor to explore. Chilled hands caressed everywhere he could access, every place traced were tickled from his touch. Zhao responded with his whole body, pulsing, and learning. Hands captured his wrists, his Professor held him down.
Zhao always knew once unleashed, the Lord of Darkness could never be control or tame. When the pain arrived, he took it despite Shen’s urgency. Though the discomfort refused to subside, the sense of strangeness lasts scarcely much longer. Thankfully, once the rhythm grew, the discovery was one of pleasure and rich sensation. The incomparable gratification was beyond his wildest dreams. The Chief then closed his eyes...And surrendered to his fate.
Break of Dawn.
“Yunlan, it’s time to wake up," Professor Shen tried to wake the man who slept soundly on the office floor. Still covered with the layered of coats, the Chief groan in his sleep. His eyes barely opened, then closed again.
“A moment more,” Zhao murmured, as he pulled the jacket over his face, shielding the sunlight streaming in the room.
“Xiao Lan, we have to go. You have to get up,” Shen Wei informed. Kneeling beside the Chief, he attempted to pull the coat away, but Zhao held on stubbornly.
“Another half an hour,” the Chief countered grudgingly, which sounded more like a pout. Shen Wei couldn’t help much smiled down at this man. Even when the situation as dire as they were, there never seemed to be much to faze Zhao Yunlan for long. Professor Shen was tempted to give in when a familiar voice broke their sweet moment.
“Chief? Professor? Are you still here?”
Da Qing?
Zhao sat up abruptly at the sound of the unwelcoming voice that was near the door. Da Qing, the unfortunate cat, and his timing, always seemed to intrude on their interlude at the most inconvenient time. Before the Chief could make plans to punish his untimely pet, Shen had sent a dark ball of dark cloud through the door. A loud thumped could be heard from the other side of the door. Silent follow.
“Did you just put my cat to sleep?” the Chief asked with opened mouth astonishment. His eyes suddenly narrowed when the deja vu moment was fully registered. “You could’ve done that last time when we’re in the shower!” Zhao growled at the knowledge.
“Stop talking nonsense, and get dress before he wakes up,” Shen ordered with his Profressor's tone. He started to stand, but the Chief grabbed hold of both his wrists.
“You still owe me a shower," the Chief demanded.
Blushed from the memories, Shen struggled against the firm grip, “I don’t--we already had a bath…”
“There’s a difference between bath and shower,” the Chief clarified. He leaned towards Shen’s burning face, “And you Professor Shen, left me in agony last time.”
“Yunlan, let me go. Why are you always like this?”
“Is there anything wrong with wanting to be with you? In every way possible. Preferably naked, but you're already dressed!” the shameless Chief responded. “And don’t you dare leave me again,” Zhao threatened.
Shen’s struggled ceased at the doubled meaning of those words. His eyes lifted to meet Zhao’s. “As I recalled, you left me first,” he whispered. His tone so painfully obvious, the intuitive Chief responded promptly.
His gripped loosened, but only to pull Shen into his arms. With a sigh, Zhao gently apologized, “My bad, let’s blame the Hollows for their untimely efforts.”
“I can’t do that,” Shen shook his head slightly, his body savored the warmth only this man could give.
“Because the Hollows brought you to me. Even though they took you away. They still brought you back.” With a half smile, his arms around Zhao squeezed. “Without the hollows, we would never have met.”
“If you keep up this kind of talk, Professor Shen. I will have to make an honest man out of you,” the Chief warned playfully, but Shen knew better than not to take his words seriously.
Startled by the declaration, the widened eyes Professor pulled back. However, the Chief was one step ahead. Snatching the back of his neck, Zhao captured his lips, smothering words of protests before they could surface. Surprising, even to Professor Shen himself, he did not struggle against his captor. Instinctively, Shen always knew there was no stopping the Guardian.
From 10,000 years ago to this moment, Shen Wei had always belonged to the man who dared to removed his mask. Zhao Yunlan, the one who gave him his name. As much as he tried to run, he could never escape.
Only til death, will they part...But even then, would Zhao Yunlan ever let him go?
Author's Notes: Yes...the long-awaited chapter is finally completed! I managed to deflower them both! I hope this would satisfy everyone's craving until my next chapter is ready. I can't wait to start their next life, as their stories here will connect to their future.
Meanwhile, I have to get back to RL and focus on my work. Thank you for reading!
~ MiniOrchid